Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Main Event

You may remember back in the fall 2000 semester, when personality conflicts started brewing between some poorly paired roommates. One conflict involved Brian, Gavin and a Costco-sized box of cheese crackers.

I was going through some old notebooks today, and I stumbled upon this poster I drew to promote the ensuing brawl:
A year later, in Honors Psychology 101, I drew this comic:
That same day in Pshyc, on the same page no less, I drew this stunning portrait of Salty Matt. If you're reading this, Kucharski, please know that I love you like a weird, embarrassing cousin, but this is what happens when you suck in psychology class:


J.G. Koefoed said...

Ha, Tim you are a consummate artist. I can't believe that Rod/Knob crap.

Alana said...

i didn't realize you were such a good artist. nice usage of tools. too bad salty sucks.

yay, for me knowing my google password so that now i can post as me and not creepy anonymous