Dear Sigma Chi,
I am writing this letter to address a situation that has come to concern myself and other students. Last month, a pledge of Sigma Chi at Arizona State University was involved in a fight in a dorm on campus. The student injured by the Pledge was taken to a hospital due to his injuries. The pledge left the dorm and went into hiding for a few days. The police interrogated a few of the residents of the dorm who had witnessed the incident, and one resident in particular gave a large amount of information to the police about the fight and previous problems with the pledge in the dorm. The resident told the police about instances when the Pledge urinated over balconies into the dorm courtyard and onto clothing left in a female bathroom, his abusive consumption of alcohol and harassment of students, destruction of dorm property including trees, and unauthorized use of students' computers to download pornography. This information, along with the name of the resident that provided it was present on the police report that was later given to the pledge upon his arrest. This is not my concern however. Members of the Sigma Chi fraternity made copies of this police report and have posted them throughout the Sigma Chi house. A member of Sigma Chi told residents of the dorm that the student that gave information to the police whose name is on the report is "f***ed" and that "if he ever goes to a frat party or near the Sigma Chi house, he is going to be dead". I am appalled and disappointed at this action taken by the Epsilon Upsilon chapter of the Sigma Chi fraternity. I have met many members of Sigma Chi across Arizona and California, including members from Beta Phi, Zeta Omicron, Zeta Xi, Delta Eta, and Theta Lambda chapters. All of the students I have met from these chapters are excellent people and great examples of Sigma Chi. Sadly, I have not seen the same quality in the members of Epsilon Upsilon. Sigma Chi stands for Friendship, Justice, and Learning, and the response of this chapter to the situation is not justice, or is it gentlemanly conduct. It must not be forgotten that "a Sigma Chi conducts himself as a high minded man and accepts responsibility for himself and his actions". The Pledge should have taken personal responsibility for his actions and the chapter should have accepted that. We also need to remember that "Sigma Chi's do not practice, nor do they condone the practice of, any intensive or abusive behavior towards any individual or group". This targeting of a witness is certainly practicing the practice of abusive behavior towards and individual, and that is not acceptable. I myself am not a member of Sigma Chi, though that may not have been the case had I gone to a different university. If I were to attend UCLA, USD, or even UA, I would have pledged to this wonderful fraternity. Unfortunately the attitudes and actions of the members of Epsilon Upsilon chapter do not appear to reflect those same principals that I see in the others. A great organization was formed at Miami University in 1855, and many great men have been molded from it, true gentlemen. I am afraid that I cannot feel the same way about Arizona State's chapter. I felt that Sigma Chi should know that here at Arizona State, Sigma Chi does not have the respect that it deserves, and it is because of the attitude and actions of the chapter. It is not a gang, though they treat it that way. They should not live by "thug life" as one pledge put it. Epsilon Upsilon is a disgrace to the embodiment of ideals that Sigma Chi represents. I would like to close this letter with what I believe best describes Sigma Chi, Isaac Jordan's Standard:
A man of good character
A student of fair ability
With ambitious purposes
A congenial disposition
Possessed of good morals
Having a high sense of honor
And a deeps sense of personal responsibility
Thank you for your attention,
Kevin Bondelli
P.S. Had it not been for the poor quality of Epsilon Upsilon, I would have been able to call myself your brother, and it saddens me that this cannot be so.